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  • Writer's pictureEm Rademaker

Selecting Instructional Media

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

Rounding out the design phase of my leasing workshop redesign, I will be outlining the media formats below that will accompany and facilitate my instruction.

I've listed some considerations that affected my decision-making:

  • Development phase timeline: 1 to 3 months

  • Development resources needed: Staff, videography,

  • Team members and Responsibilities:

    • Leasing and Marketing Director - ID

      • Will have primary role of completing media design

    • General Manager - Property Expert/SME

      • Will have primary role of compiling content and facilitating touring expectations

    • Area Leasing and Marketing Manager - Social Media Expert

      • Will have primary role of training through Facetime and Instagram

    • Assistant General Manager - Training Facilitator

      • Will assist In-person training

    • Residence Life Coordinator - Training Facilitator

      • Will assist In-person training

  • Evaluation, maintenance, and update of materials

    • Pre and post training meeting with team members to discuss expectations, review strategy, identify improvements for next year's training.

  • Approvals needed:

    • Area Manager, Regional Manager, Leasing and Marketing Director

  • Testing and quality assurance:

    • Module 3 and semesterly follow-ups with all staff.

With this information in mind, the media that needs to be developed or delivered for this training is:

Graphics/Presentation Design:

The property specific logos and posters will need to be drafted and completed for staff to use in the powerpoint presentations. We will use company branding which is already pre-exisitng and ensure that all graphics align with company standards. New photos of the property and the 3-D property tour will need to be reviewed to ensure they correct and working. The LMD (Leasing and Marketing Director) will be responsible for drafting and distributing the final products to all team members ahead of the training. The company has a design and graphics department dedicated to maintaining brand standards. It will be very easy to implement this into training material.

Social Media:

The Area Leasing and Marketing Manager will be responsible for leading the section of Module 2 that focuses on social media, including: how to use Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok for marketing, branding standards for marketing photos and video, and how to lead a tour via Facetime, Zoom, or other video platforms. All social media platforms are tools that the learners are expected to use in their job tasks. It is important that they are comfortable using these tools and understand the company expectations for responsible use.

Youtube Videos and Google Tour Creator:

During tour training, we will be using Youtube videos and Google Tour Creator to showcase the property and demonstrate proper etiquette. The reason for selecting Youtube is the ease of use. Learners can refer back to the videos later for review. Google Tour Creator is a really easy and unique way to engage learners with the property. It is a tool that most of them may not be familiar with but through digital imagery, connects the ideas with the property.

Digital and Physical Workbook:

The learners will be given a physical and digital copy of their leasing training workbook. Portions of this workbook will contain activities to be completed during Module 2, as well as, follow-up tasks to be completed in Module 3. The reason for keeping a physical copy of the workbook is to accommodate all different types of learners. The content in the workbook will be taught in the modules, but some learners also appreciate the physical workbook to reinforce the content. It is not graded, rather a guide for the learners to follow throughout Module 2 and 3.


Short Kahoot quizzes will be used throughout Module 2 to maintain engagement and reinforce content. These quizzes will need to be developed and all learners will be expected to have either a laptop or smart phone with them. If they do not have one, an iPad will be provided so that they can participate. The reason for choosing Kahoot is that the learners are already familiar with this tool from other trainings and it is easy to use for both ID and learner.

Below is an example of graphics that I created for short mini-trainings. The content is similar to what will be in the Leasing Training Workshop.

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