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Stadium Concrete Seats


How I apply pedagogy, theory, and best practice to determine the most effective & impactful strategies for technology and instruction.

Informed Decision Making: Welcome

This document is an example of how I would structure my communication to project leaders for a project. After completing tasks such as a needs analysis (see above) or consulting with Subject Matter Experts about course content, I would compile a proposal for the project. In this document, I've included a description of the learner and environmental context, team member roles, development tasks, and timeframe for completion. I believe it is vital to ensure clear goals with stakeholders prior to engaging in major development tasks.

Informed Decision Making: Quote
addie model.png

I have practiced using several instructional design models throughout my coursework and training construction. The link above showcases how I would utilize the ADDIE model (specifically focusing on the evaluation stage). Using standard processes for understanding learning and creating effective learning moments is vital for learner success. I strive to create a culture of evaluation with my learners and in my programs. This manifests learner engagement in the process and creates constantly evolving learning moments, adaptable to the changing needs of learner populations and individuals.

Informed Decision Making: Image
Image by Kaleidico

The above link will take you to a blog post which demonstrates how I establish the motivation for learning outcomes and the best strategies to meet those learning outcomes. The specifics of this post were a part of the pre-design for the Instructional Design Proposal project linked above. The work that goes into creating a training requires an extensive and complete researching of the company goals and training needs.

Informed Decision Making: Image

Staying up to date on modern educational theory and applications is imperative to maintaining good habits for decision-making in the instructional design process. I work to assess and evolve my own comfort with educational strategies. Instead of only using "old-reliable" techniques, I want to create learning environments that push the boundaries. This video shows my assessment of research done with mobile assisted learning applications and the link above is a write-up of this process.

Informed Decision Making: Video
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