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How I synthesize communication through selected media and technological tools to maximize information literacy and skill retention.

Integrated Communication: Welcome

The link above will take you to a blog post I created showcasing how and why I would use blogging as a communication tool in the classroom. I have used blogging as a student and in course designs. I believe that they are a premier instructional strategy to document the student's journey and reflection on learning. Included in the post are a few examples of how I would incorporate this tool into assignments.

Integrated Communication: Image
Image by Scott Graham

This document is an evaluation of an organization's training program and how it meets the needs of its participants and the goals of the program. My experience as a participant of the program, as well as, the relationships I was able to develop with the organization leadership and training managers helped inform my approach to assessing the overall efficacy. Relationship building is a critical part of my evaluation process as each individual has a unique perspective of the organization. I aim to build a holistic assessment and utilize these perspectives to achieve this goal. In this document, I propose recommendations for change in order to improve the training process.

Integrated Communication: Image
Analyzing Graphs

In this document, I assessed a private student housing company's performance, in relation to its stated goals, mission, and values. I was able to interview several key players including company management, middle managers, and student staff. I address how well each level of staff is able to meet the company expectations and whether changes or improvements are needed. Understanding the challenges and strengths that each type of role has within a company helps to build a better picture of success.

Integrated Communication: Image
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