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  • Writer's pictureEm Rademaker

Identifying Instructional Strategies

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

The primary reason for re-designing the leasing training workshop re-design is to increase engagement and information retention. Therefore, selecting the instructional strategy is perhaps the most important part of this project.


The learners for this course have a foundational motivation to be engaged in this course because it is an essential duty of their job. Not performing adequately in these tasks would be grounds for dismissal. However, that isn't always enough. In order for any property to succeed in leasing, it’s essential to not only to know the property, but also to know the market as a whole. A sound knowledge of the property’s market sets us apart in this business. There are numerous areas in which being well-versed in the market is valuable, including:

  • Making strategic decisions

  • Setting rates and specials

  • Budgeting

  • Forming marketing strategies

  • Giving tours

  • Planning company developments and acquisitions

*Note: the learners in this course are typically only involved in tours and marketing strategies.

We will set the tone and expectation for the learners/staff early in their training so that they come ready to learn and succeed. The beginning attitude is pretty easy to establish - maintaining this throughout the course is difficult.

In module 1, the leasing goals will also be established. These are our benchmarks for each month from the time renewal season begins to move-in day. What percentage of pre-leased # do we expect for end of November, December, etc...? We will also establish incentives for the staff if they meet these goals at the end of the month. Ex: at the end of February, if we meet 40% pre-leased for Fall, every leasing staff member gets a $25 giftcard. These incentives are typically selected with the staffs wants in mind so that they have buy-in to do well.

Prerequisites and sub-skills:

The learners will already have completed a longer training about a month prior that is focused on crisis management, office skills/admin skills, residence life programming, facilities management, and accounting questions. They will already know the lease and the property though this training will require them to review in more depth.

Practice and feedback:

The assessment of skill acquisition is fortunately pre-built into the course as "Module 3". During this module, each learner will not be complete until they have a sign-off from the General Manager that they have passed the in-person tour, phone tour, Face-Time tour, and reviewed the pitch book. We will have the learner shadow a manager staff member then have the manager staff shadow them, then the learner will complete a tour on their own with a staff member present so that their skills can be assessed. Ultimately, the learner will complete a form that state the following:

"I confirm I have completed Leasing Training Module 3. I have demonstrated how to give an effective tour, we have role played both the phone tour and the on-site tour/Facetime tour, and reviewed the property Pitch Book."

  • Demonstrate an effective tour

  • Role play on-site tour

  • Role play phone tour

  • Reviewed Pitch Book

I included below a portion of the rubric used to assess touring skills.

For reference, below is a video of the property I manage and for which the leasing training is being developed. This is an older video, but still shows the essentials of what the property looks like. Enjoy!

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